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Gift Card Pricing

Please email all gift card inquiries to

1. Card Color

Please let us know what color cardstock you would like your design printed on

White (our most popular option!)

2. Print Design Selection

Please let us know if you want your design printed in color or black and white

Color Design Gift Cards

Count Price
100 - 199 $1.20/ea.
200 - 499 $1.15/ea.
500 - 999 $1.10/ea.
1000 - 1999 $0.99/ea.

Black and White Design Gift Cards 

Must be solid black design, no grayscale

Count Price
1 - 499 $0.99/ea.
500 - 999 $0.75/ea.
1000 - 1999 $0.55/ea.

3. Additional Options and Services


Color Price
White $0.15/ea.
Black $0.25/ea.

Design Services

Custom card design service by our professional in-house designer: $100/hr.