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Release 2022.12.2 "Dragon Fly"

Notes: A new feature everyone has been waiting for for a long time is FINALLY HERE!!!

Please keep in mind, if you have a handheld, that this release will require you to update it in the app store before you can use it!

New Features:

General: We now have the ability to 86 Modifiers!

image.pngWhen you run out of Fries, you can now search Fries and put a count on both the menu item and the modifier item!

image.pngWhen you are in the prompted modifier screen it will have a count on the item so staff knows how many is left or if its sold out. If the item is sold out, when they click on it, they will get a pop up that says “Side of Waffle Fries is out of stock” so the employee will not be able to ring it in.

image.pngThe 86d modifier will also show up with a count on it in the Standard Ingredient Modifier Screen



Terminal: 86 count Icon! As you noticed in the screen shots above, when an item has been put on the 86 list, there will now be a count icon attached to the upper right of the button


2022-12-06_13-26-37 (1).gif

As you click on the item the icon will count down until its out and then not allow you to ring in anymore! Also, as you delete or void the item the count will go back up to add it back into inventory.


Terminal: Renaming 2 buttons.

  • We have renamed the “Tools” button on the launch screen to now be called “Functions.”

  • We have renamed the “Payments” button on the launch screen to now be called “Edit Tips.”

  • Once you click on the buttons all the same functions are available.

  • We decided to give them a different name so that they were not confused with the buttons of the same name in the order entry screen

    image.pngLaunch Screen

:bug: Bug Fixes:

General: Previously when the 86 count was 3 and you tried to ring in 4 items it would let you do that, because the 86 count didn’t update until the order was sent. That has been fixed. If the 86 count is 3, it will give you an out of stock message if you try to ring in 4.

Handheld: The 86 list was not syncing on the handhelds correctly. If the 86 list said 4 items, and you rang it 2, it wouldn’t update on the handhelds, it would still say there are 4 items left. This has been fixed.

Handheld: Handhelds were timing out too quickly and erroring. We have changed the session timeout to 2hrs. So it will only log you out if your handheld has not been touched for 2 hours. After 2 hours it will automatically log you out. (and not give you ugly errors :grin: )

Kitchen Video: There was a bug where periodically sent items were not showing up on either the wheel or expo screen. We have put in a fix to automatically refresh the screens every minute. If you continue to see this error happen please text message 1-855-SAIL-POS to let us know.

Terminal: For locations with multiple stores/brands, the 86 list was showing all of the menu items from all of the stores. This should be fixed. When you click on the “Add 86 item” button you should now only see the categories and menu items from your location.