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How to create a context filter

This document will show you how to create a context filter.

How to Build a context filter

  1. Backoffice --> POS --> Settings --> Context Filters --> Click Add new record


  1. Name it something short and recognizable
  2. Use the description section to add more details about what this filter will do 
  3. Naming the rule is optional
  4. Use the strategy section to determine if the filter is going to include or exclude the filters
    1. Include if any - At least one selection below will need to be true for this filter to be valid
    2. Include if all - ALL items selected below will need to be true for this filter to be valid
    3. Exclude if any - This filter will be valid unless of the the items selected below are true
    4. Exclude if all - This filter will be valid unless ALL of the items selected below are true
  5. Use the filters to select Locations, Devices, and/or Order Types
  6. If you are having more than 1 rule in this filer, you will use the blue "Add rule" button to add the rule you just created and then you can create another one
  7. Click Save
  8. Test the rule


How to Apply them to a Modifier Set

  1. POS --> Modifiers --> Modifier Sets --> Click the edit pencil on the modifier set you'd like to use
  2. Use the Prompted Context Filter dropdown to select the Filter you just created
  3. Click Save


How to apply them to a Comp

  1. POS --> Settings --> Comp/Voids --> Click the edit pencil on the Comp you'd like to edit
  2. Use the Prompted Context Filter dropdown to select the Filter you just created
  3. Click Update
