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How to enter tips on a Handheld

This document will detail how to enter tips on a Terminal

Credit card tips

Note: Cash tips do not need to be added to each transaction manually, There is a prompt during clock out of all tippable employees that will ask to enter the total cash tips received that day.

  1. Navigate to the payments screen open to the payments screen.

  2. Locate the payment that you would like to enter a tip on.

    1. When you open the payment screen it will default to credit card transactions that are still pending a tip.

    2. Most locations have the system set up to require a tip to be entered on all credit transactions in order for the server close to work. Zero dollar tips will need to be entered to close a server if your system has this setting enabled.

  3. A prompt will appear asking for the tip amount. The system will default to a dollar value. If the tip has a cent value you will need to add the decimal point to separate dollars and cents or the system will interpret the entire tip in dollars.

  4. Once the tip has been entered the system will ask for confirmation of the new total with the tip added.

  5. Once the tip has been entered you can see the tip listed and the payment will no longer be a pending transaction.

  6. You can select multiple payments to enter a tip on more that one transaction at a time.

    1. The tip will be the same for all selected transactions.

    2. Zero dollar tips need to be entered or you will not be able to complete a server close at the end of the day




  1. Once you have made the payment with the handheld you can add the tip to the payment in the payments screen.

    1. Select the payment you wish to edit

    2. Click Enter Tip

    3. Type in the tip amount, hit done. Then confirm the total is the correct amount.

    4. Once the tip has been entered, that payment will disappear from that screen
