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Release 2024.12.1 "Cheeseburger"

Notes: This release consists of 2 New features and Improvements. Use the page navigation section on the top left of this screen to jump between the features you'd like to read about.

**This release WILL require you to update your handheld to update to version 2024.12.1*11.3**

If you would like any additional information or help setting up any of these new features, please contact support at: or call (612) 861-5277

New Features

1. KVS: Pass the Puck 

We have now added a feature where your menu item can start at one station, and once its finished move over to a second station before itit's completed. 

How to set up Pass the Puck in Backoffice
  1. Backoffice --> POS --> System Setup --> Kitchen Setup --> Kitchen Video --> Third tab called station collections
  2. Add a new record (or edit an existing one)
    1. Name it
    2. Select the stations you'd like included in the collection
    3. Use the arrow on the right to move the station you want first to the top, and the station you want second underneath that
    4. Click the checkbox for "Pass the Puck"
      1. When selected, item will need to be finished on one station before going to the next

In this example, the collection is called "Fry to Salad." I have both the Fry and Salad station selected and the Fry station is on stoptop so it goes to that station first. And I have the PTP checkbox selected. 

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 2.10.50 PM.png

Here is what it looks like on Kitchen Video

You will notice I have rang in a Buffalo Chicken wrap. I would like it to go to the Fry station first so the Chicken tenders can be made.  Once thats finished, it will go to the salad station so the wrap can be completed.  Once it is finished on the salad station, then the item is ready on expo screen. 



    2. Smart Pricing???