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How to move a table

This document will show how to change a table number or move an order to a another table.

There are four ways to change a table number

  1. In the Table View Screen
  2. In the Orders View Screen
  3. In the Order Entry Screen
  4. In the Tools Screen in an order

Table view

  1. Open table view screen.



  2. Find the table you would like to move




  3. You will be prompted to enter the number of the table you would like to transfer too.




  4. The order has now been moved.



  5. Alternatively you can first select the table you'd like to move (15) and then select the empty table you like to move it to (33). Then press the Move Order button and the table will be moved.

    2023-11-14_14-34-27 (1).gif

Orders Screen

  1. Go to the orders screen



  2. Select the order you would like transfer.

  3. Select Change table # button in the bottom middle of the screen



  4. Enter the table number of the table you would like to move the order to.



  5. The order has now been moved to a new table.


Order Entry Screen 

  1. Select table button on the top of the check header



  2. Once selected a prompt will appear. Enter the table number of the new table you would like to transfer the order to then select enter.



  3. Your order has now been moved to a new table.




Tools Screen 

  1. Select the Tools button on the bottom toolbar.

  2. Then select the Transfer Table # in the Transfer section



  3. Once selected a prompt will appear. Enter the table number of the new table you would like to transfer the order to then select enter.



  4. Your order has now been moved to a new table.
