Recently Updated Pages
Release: 2019.11.1
NOTE: This release requires iPod handhelds to be on the latest version of the app in the app stor...
Release: 2019.10.2
This release focused on gift cards, as well as better multi-store support for coupons. Features:...
Release: 2019.10.1
Features: Back Office: You can now enter the cost for a PLU. This is used for calculations i...
Release 2022.10.1
New User Interface: Sail POS has looked pretty much the same for the last 10+ years. We thou...
How to create a gift card button
This document will detail how to make a button for a gift card purchase. Creating the gift car...
How to edit time clock
This document will detail how to edit a time clock. In Backoffice Open back office then nav...
How to create and/or edit a job role
This document will outline how to create and or edit a job roll in back office. Navigate to the ...
How to Deactivate or Reactivate an employee.
This Document is about how to deactivate and re-activate an employee that was once moved to inact...
How to clock in and out
This document will show how to clock in and out. Clocking In Log into the terminal with ...
How to create a pay out button
This document will detail how to make a payout button You will need to make a new PLU but...