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Release 2023.11.1 "Athens"

Notes: This release consists of 1 new feature

**This release will NOT require you to update your handhelds**

If you would like any additional information or help setting up any of these new features, please contact support at: or call (612) 861-5277

New Features

1. Online Ordering - Future order for a future day

  • Customers can now place an order online and specify a future date and pickup time
  • To configure how far out in the future you allow orders, go to Backoffice --> POS --> Online Ordering --> Configuration Tab  --> then set the number of days out in the future you'd like to accept future orders.


  • When Customers click on the pencil next to ASAP, they will get a pop up that looks like this, where they will be able to select the date first and then what time they'd like to pick it up.


    • Then the order will get sent to the kitchen 20 minutes (or whatever your order default time is set to) before their scheduled pickup time
    • The kitchen ticket (and the closed order on the terminal) will say the customers name and the date and time they'd like the order ready.

  • To see future orders on the terminal, Login --> go to the Orders view page --> click on the showing button in the middle and select "Scheduled"
    • This will show you all orders that are scheduled for the future. 


Bug Fixes

  1. Syncing issues.  Sporadically when an update was made it Backoffice it was not syncing to the terminals with a simple log out and back in. You'd need to perform a Terminal Sync for changes to go into effect. 
    1. If you do experience any syncing issues after this release please contact Support right away.
  2. NCA looked like it was doubling on a printed receipt. The customer was charged correctly but the printed receipt after the fact looked wrong.
  3. Discounted Gift cards were showing up in the sales section instead of the Non sales section (only for stores who have Gift cards set to "not include in sales") This has been fixed to reporting looks more accurate now.
  4. When clicking on an item that prompts for modifiers, it used to permit the use of the buttons in the bottom toolbar, which often led to bypassing the necessary prompts. To address this, we have disabled those buttons, requiring users to navigate through the prompts before accessing the toolbar buttons.