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How to edit time clock

This document will detail how to edit a time clock.

In Backoffice

  1. Open back office then navigate to the Staff tab then go to employees. Once there select the employee you would like to edit the time clock of.



  2. Navigate to the time clock tab.



  3. Once on the time clock tab make sure your on the date you would like to edit.



  4. Once the date has been selected you there are several editing options to pick from.

    1. To add a new clock in or clock out. Press the plus sign.



      1. This will prompt to add a new record.



      2. You can edit any of the settings above by pressing the pencil next to any existing time clock entry.


      3. To zero out the time from an existing time clock entry click the red x and press ok when prompted.



    2. All edits are recorded. You can view the records by pressing the arrow next to the entry.


On a terminal

  1. Log in and navigate to the tools screen from the launch page.



  2. Select the edit time clock button



  3. You will be prompted to select the staff member you would like to edit an entry for.



  4. Select the way in which you would like to edit the staff members time clock entries.


    1. Whenever you make an adjustment from this screen a you will be prompted to enter a note. Depending on your system settings you will either be able to skip the note by pressing cancel or have to enter a note before moving on. For the rest of this document I will not go into detail on this step as it will always be the same.



    2. When editing a time entry a prompt will appear


      1. Once entered it will prompt you to confirm the entry


      2. Then it will ask you to add a note.

      3. Clock in and clock out time adjustment will follow the same process.



Required notes setting

  1. Whenever you manually enter or adjust a time clock you will be prompted to enter a note. By default you will be able to press cancel and skip adding the note. If you would like the note to be mandatory you can set the system to not let it be bypassed with the cancel button.
