How to Configure Surcharging
This document will show how to configure surcharging in Backoffice
Inactivate NCA or OPF
- POS --> Settings --> Charges --> Auto Charges Tab
- Use the pencil to edit the old offset model (either, NCA or OPF)
- Uncheck the active and always apply checkboxes
- Click update
- That is all that needs to be done.
Set up a new tax for Surcharging
- POS --> System Setup --> Taxes
- Create a tax type named "Surcharge"
- Then on the Tax rates tab put in the same rate as their food or sales tax
- Check the box for "Include in price" to make this an inclusive tax rate
- This tax type can NOT be exclusive or it will leave a balance on the table because the tax will calculate after the payment is made
Set up a new Charge Type
- POS --> Settings --> Charges
- On the "Charge Groups" tab, add a new record and name it "Surcharge"
- Charge Types tab
- Reporting group association tab
- You do NOT need to do anything with this tab, because this is a payment related charge it doesn't look at reporting groups.
- You do NOT need to do anything with this tab, because this is a payment related charge it doesn't look at reporting groups.
- Auto Charge Tab
- You do NOT need to set up an auto charge, because the charge is determined from the processor not Sail
Set up the Payment Terminal
- POS --> System Setup --> Devices --> Payment Terminals --> "Payment Processors" tab
Do this for all active processors. Default and Backup
Double Check Auth Mode:
Add surcharge wording to the customer receipt
- POS --> System Setup --> Receipt Setup
- Click pencil next to "Customer Receipt - Footer"
- ***If there is NCA or OPF wording remove it
- Add this wording below in an appropriate place. (above the Thank you and date is ideal)
- We apply a surcharge of 3% on the transaction amount for credit cards, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance. We do not surcharge debit cards.
Add surcharge wording to Online Ordering Page Message
- POS --> Online Ordering --> Site Configuration
- Click pencil next to site (if a location has more than 1 URL, you will need to do this for each URL)
- Click on the Page Messages tab
- Add this wording to either the Menu page or the Checkout Page
- We apply a surcharge of 3% on the transaction amount for credit cards, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance. We do not surcharge debit cards.
- The Customer's itemized receipt will not show a "Total" and "CC Total" amount like NCA used to because Sail does not do the surcharge the processor does. They will only see the surcharge wording at the bottom of the receipt like you added above
- If it is a debit the credit card receipt will not change. They will see the amount with the tip and total line.
- If its a credit card and the surcharge is applied they will see the surcharge amount like this:
Here is a link to a pdf that has an example of the guest check, credit card voucher, and a re-printed guest check after that can be provided to the customer as an example: Surcharge example.pdf
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